
Obama on the 17th will sign 787 billion economic stimulus plan

White House officials in the United States February 14 revealed that President Obama will be next Tuesday (February 17) in Denver as high as 787 billion U.S. dollars to sign economic stimulus bill.
Obama this week when six of the United States Congress passed the economic stimulus bill welcomed him at the same time, said the bill is "the road of economic recovery we have to go to a milestone event" and vowed to act quickly to implement the bill.
Obama in the January 20 was sworn in as President of the United States has been pushing economic stimulus package, the bill passed him are a major win. Obama to the American public in his weekly radio speech, when said: "I will sign the bill as soon as possible, making the entry into force of the law. I will immediately begin to carry out the necessary investments to make the unemployed can re - access to jobs. "
The U.S. Senate this week when five to 60 pairs of 38 votes passed the economic stimulus bill. Prior to this a few hours, the U.S. House of Representatives by 183 votes in 246 pairs of the same bill passed. Vote for the two weeks since the United States revolved around how to help the economy out of its predicament of the controversy has drawn a full stop.

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