
Zimbabwe bank notes and then "zero cut" one trillion into 1 yuan

This is determined by the Central Bank of Zimbabwe issued a new Zimbabwe million votes like

This is a Zimbabwe newspaper published an earlier version of 100 trillion Zimbabwe Dollars votes like

Due to hyperinflation, Zimbabweans with cash out
Zimbabwe hyperinflation, businesses had to use the money that he came to that.
Zimbabwe to issue 50 billion denomination notes, this pile of cash equivalent to 100 U.S. dollars only.
Zimbabwe on the 2nd of the Central Bank decided to huge amounts of money to remove 12 to zero, which is now equivalent to one trillion banknote will be 1.
According to India's IANS news agency reported on the 2nd, last year in August, the Central Bank announced the removal of Zimbabwe bank notes after 10 years, but because of hyperinflation to come back up again. Currently, Zimbabwe's inflation rate has reached one billion percent. Sundays, 1 U.S. dollars can be exchanged for 250 trillion Zimbabwe dollars.
January 16, Zimbabwe issued a set of the world's largest denominations, this denomination of new banknotes in the trillion or more, including 10 trillion, 20 trillion, 50 trillion and 100 trillion Zimbabwe Dollars four.

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